Monday, 7 March 2011


Those members of the British Airways Breakfast Appreciation Society (BABAS) will be shocked to learn of the changes that have been made to this ancient institution. Each month I receive an email from BA which purports to inform me about significant changes they are making to the airline but at no time did I receive any notification about this change to the BA breakfast.
Controversially, the fried half tomato and hash brown have been substituted with what can best be described as a tomato peseta. Overall the impact is not critical, the sausage continues to delight and the mystery BA jus that defies forensic examination and blends the whole dish together
still thrills. A word of caution though, once initiatives like changing the institution of the BA breakfast are allowed to pass without challenge, who can anticipate where they will lead. We all remember the impact on the flavour of Mars bars when they were made veggie friendly – so fellow BABAS be aware and be on your guard!